
Welcome to Watercolor

Instructor: Ms. Sanders, Rm 201
Email: esanders@tooeleschools.org   Blog: StansburyArt.blogspot.com

Office Hours: After school 2:45 – approx. 4:00 (by appointment)

This course will focus on the introduction and exploration of watercolor techniques. Composition and design will be discussed. The subject matter will include still life, landscapes and the human face.

It is vital to create original works of art. All reference material needs to be several images combined to compose a unique piece and/or the use of photographs taken by the student. 

Course Focus:
·         Learn basic watercolor strokes, washes, and glazes
·        Explore controlling soft and hard edges
·        Apply light and shadow logic, while investigating warm and cool applications

Classroom Expectations
·         Please leave your cellphones, iPods, and other electronic devices at home.
·         Be prepared with your art supplies everyday-you will need a pencil in hand!
·         Respect-When  I am talking or when others in the class are talking
·         Respect art supplies and classroom. Your desk will need to be cleared and art supplies put away everyday
·         Artwork may not be created that depicts drugs, alcohol, violence or sex

SHS policy states: having more than four excused or unexcused absences in this class will result in losing your credit for this class

If you are late, enter the classroom quietly, pick up supplies for the day and get settled at your desk. If you have 3 tardies in this class, your parents will be notified. On your 5th tardy, you will be sent to In-School Suspension. The number of tardies will also affect your citizenship grade.

This class is based on participation.  It is vital that you come to class prepared, be working while in class, and be present.

Part of the student’s grade is in the form of participation points for contributing ideas to class, being punctual, displaying appropriate behavior and having good attendance. A full 50% of the class score is dedicated to participation since it is assumed all enthusiastic about the learning process. Participation points are figured by the following formula: Each student is awarded 100 points at the beginning of each term. The student is docked 5 points for every tardy and 10 points for every absence. Disruptive behavior that interferes with another student's opportunity to learn may cause you to lose 10 points.

 Grading is based more on learning a skill rather than on the student’s talent. There is no reason why a student can't earn an “A” in class if they attend every day, display appropriate behavior, and turn in all coursework on time. 

Class Requirements:

·         Participation                         
·         Projects (12 completed by end of semester)
·         Sketchbook     
·         Student Art Exhibit
**Assignments--Students are required to research one professional artist for inspiration on one project and write a one page report. Students will also visit a gallery and write a one page review about their experience.             
Please bring an 11”x14” drawing sketchbook from home,this will be your personal sketchbook to keep and carry with you. 

Each student will have a shelf to keep their projects, their pencils and erasers. If students lose their supplies, they will be charged for new supplies.

A             95-100  
A-            90-94
B+           87-89
B             84-86
B-            80-83
C+           77-79
C             74-76
C-            70-73
D+           67-69
D             64-66
D-            60-63
F              0-59

Restroom breaks should take place between classes. Students may request to leave the classroom and will be given 5 hall passes to use for the semester. Once they are gone, they are gone! The student may turn in the hall passes at the end of the semester for extra credit.  

Make-up Work and Late Work Policy:
When the student is absent, it is their responsibility to check and make up missed coursework.
In the event of an excused absence, the student will have until the next class period to make up the coursework for full credit. After the next class, coursework will be considered late work and will be docked 20% of the total grade earned for every class period it is late after that. It is very important that you turn in all coursework, even if late. Late coursework will only be accepted up to two class periods after the original due date.

Watercolor - DISCLOSURE

***Please Sign, Date, and return this page to Ms. Sanders, Rm 201 (Points will be deducted for late return)

Parent/Guardian Involvement:
This disclosure serves as a contractual agreement between the student, their parent/guardian, and me. I require that the disclosure verification form attached to this disclosure be signed by the student and the parent/guardian to insure that my policies have been read and understood by the student and parent/guardian. This is the student's first assignment in my class and carries a point value.

I believe education must involve a partnership between student, parent, and teacher. I welcome parent/guardian involvement in my classroom at any time. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any specific concerns about your student. I will respond to email requests swiftly and am available by appointment to discuss a student's needs and progress.

Media Release:
The classroom is an active learning environment. It is possible that your student may appear in a video or photograph with their work. Therefore it is necessary to have the permission of a parent and/or guardian.  By signing the disclosure, you give permission that your student may appear in photographs or videos of them working and participating in the classroom.

I have read, I understand, and I agree to abide by the terms of the entire classroom disclosure (both the student and the parent/guardian sections) provided by Ms. Sanders. I understand that I can get a copy of this disclosure from Ms. Sanders or off the internet at www.StansburyArt.blogspot.com if I so desire.

I understand that my grade can be seriously impacted by failure to follow classroom rules/procedures as described in the classroom disclosure, by failure to follow school policies/procedures, or by displaying disruptive behavior.
Student's Name: ____________________________________________________ Date:________ Student’s Signature:_________________________
 Parent or Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________

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